Sunday 11 December 2011
Winter Trail Quest Series Round 2

On Sunday 11 December 2011 Dromara Cycling Club held the second of their Winter Trail Quests from event headquarters at Dromara Village Football Club.  Thirty two teams made up of solo riders, pairs and threes arrived from 09:45 am to take part in this round of cycling based orienteering events.  The teams are made up of a range of cyclist, male, female, young and old, newcomers and old hands with proceeds from the event going towards the Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children.

This part of County Down has been used by the club for many years and has some great off-road trails along bridal paths and walkways with some tough climbs up Slieve Croob, Legananny, Slievenaboley and Deehommed mountains.  The weather was cool but dry on arrival and the first team, Antrim Adventurers, set off at 10:31 in search of the 18 markers ranging in points value from 5 to 50 depending on the difficulty in reaching and finding the markers.  The rest of the teams then followed at one minute intervals with the majority of the teams taking on the 3.5 hour event.  Teams had to return to base within the time limit or face losing some of their hard earning points they had gained.

The teams were only given their map and answer sheet at their alloted time which meant the clock was ticking as the teams decided which was the best route to pick up the most points.  After the first hour light drizzle started which then following into light hail with snow for those climbing up Slieve Croob which was immersed in a cloud.  The temperature dropped which made the going even tougher for the teams.  There were lots of cold hands and feet on return to the football club where thankfully there was a great spread of food including tea, coffee and hot soup.  The riders also had the use of the very welcome hot showers.

Winner of this round was team "Borat and the Boys" (Deon McNeilly and Brian Steele) who gained 395 of the 435 points on offer.  Three teams then shared second place, Dromara trio "The Losers" and solo riders Paul McArthur and Mark Greer.  Fifth place went to solo rider William Mulligan with the first of the mixed teams, "Jimmy the Kipper" finishing sixth.  

The two hour event was won by the Harrowers, father and son team, jointly with Alison Best who was taking part in her first trail quest.  Well done to all the competitors!

Round 3 of the series will be held on Tuesday 27 December 2011 from the headquarters at Brennan's garage near Seaforde.  See website for more details.

Many thanks to Derek Hanna and Gary Gray for setting up and running the event.

Report and photos by Martin Grimley



The results of round two were:

* Any questions or queries regarding the scores please feel free to email Martin.

The questions and answers looked like this.

* Number of teams who successfully located this marker


More photos on FlickR
By Martin

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